[Genoa] Museo del Tesoro di San Lorenzo by Franco Albini and Franca Helg [Short post]


we were supposed to go to Vals Thermal Bath in the past days, but we couldn’t make it due to bad luck. 😦

Anyway, as we couldn’t cross the National border, we decided to travel and go to Genoa. I was there twice already, but this was the time I got to visit some serious architecture.

Here you can find the Map I made during the two-day trip (I basically make a map of the things I like or that I want to visit for every place I go to). -in gary, you find the places I have actually visited, in yellow the ones I’m dreaming of going to *.*-

I want to point the attention towards one of Albini’s masterpieces: museo del tesoro della cattedrale di San Lorenzo (Museum of San Lorenzo’s treasure). In the Map above you can find other interesting spots regarding palaces and sites to visit, as well as restaurants and cafes where you can take a break from all those museums.

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Super decorated San Lorenzo’s facade
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Iconic ceiling of the museum
Metallic L shaped display shows surprising shapes
Dark stone slabs and spotlights make silver shining
The position of the “treasures” is specifically designed


A detail of the ceiling

Guys, if you like weekend trips click here. You will find a lot of nice spots to visit in one or two days that are not far from Milan.

For more places to visit in Italy and abroad, check the page with all my travel maps. They are full of tips from locals and, more importantly, they are for free!

Hope you liked the post!


Un pensiero riguardo “[Genoa] Museo del Tesoro di San Lorenzo by Franco Albini and Franca Helg [Short post]

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